从2024年夏季学期开始, we will transition textbook services to a new online bookstore model.
关注学生: 从2024年夏季学期开始, Virginia Highlands will launch a new bookstore platform where you order textbooks through an integrated website and have them delivered to your home while digital course material access information is emailed. 您将被联系,一旦网站是生活.
For the remaining term, order and return materials with the link below.
会议所有 你的学术需求
VHCC书店 is here to meet all of 你的学术需求 for the semester. Not only do we provide the required course materials for your classes, 但我们也带着必需品, 参考资料, 学习艾滋病和技术.
电话:(276)739 - 2504
传真:(276)739 - 2598
Due to COVID-19 restrictions and social distancing guidelines, the bookstore purchasing instructions have changed.
- 登录你的 MyVHCC 使用您的用户名和密码.
- 要查看所需的课程材料,请单击 福莱特发现大学书店.
- Under 选择项,选择 term 你需要为它买书.
- Click UPDATE.
- Click 采购所有材料.
- You will now be directed to the VHCC Bookstore website.
- 通过选择添加物品到您的包 买(新的或用过的)或租.
- Click 添加物品到包中.
- 添加完所有项后,选择 View Bag & Checkout.
- 如果您的项目是正确的,请单击 Checkout.
- A popup will ask it if it OK to substitute your textbook if the bookstore is out of your selection.
单击要么 YES! 换掉我的书 or 不换我的书吗.
- A popup will ask it if it OK to substitute your textbook if the bookstore is out of your selection.
- Click 继续结帐.
- 你现在被要求选择 登录或创建帐户.
- Select 交货方法.
- Select 进入付款方式.
- 选择您的付款方式.
- If you have financial aid or scholarship(s), that option will be available to select.
- When 金融援助/Scholarship is selected, you will be prompted to enter your student I.D.
- Click 发现账户.
- Once validated, any major account (Trade Act, People Inc., 金融援助) associated with the student is displayed.
- Your 可用余额 也将与 上线结束日期 (the last day to make an online purchase with this account.)
- 选择用于的复选框 请同意财政援助条款 & 条件.
- Select 用这个付款.
- 你可以看到。”行李限制.” This means you have item(s) in your bag that are not allowed by the major account. Click on 行李限制 显示不包括的项目.
- If the total cost of order is covered by the 金融援助/Scholarship account, select 下订单.
- If the total is not covered by 金融援助/Scholarship, you must choose another major account or tender until the amount is covered.
- Click 下订单.
If you need further assistance with purchasing course materials, call the VHCC书店电话:(276)739-2504.
Students may only use excess financial aid in the College Bookstore to purchase required books and supplies for registered courses deemed eligible for financial aid for the term. A course would be deemed ineligible for financial aid if any of the three following circumstances exist: 1) The course does not apply to the student’s academic program; 2) The course has already been repeated once after having been successfully completed. Successful completion is defined as any grade other than F, U, R, or W; and/or 3) The course is developmental and the student has already attempted 30 or more developmental credits.
Items not approved for purchase with financial aid include but are not limited to apparel, food, 手机, gift items, 礼品卡/预付卡. Colleges have the discretion to establish policies and procedures pertaining to the purchase of course related electronics (e.g. laptops, tablets, cameras, and scientific calculators), uniforms, and tools. Policies and procedures pertaining to course related electronics, uniforms, and tools must address the types and frequency of items students may purchase.
在购书期间, books and supplies purchased using financial aid cannot be returned to the College Bookstore for cash. Amounts for returned items must be credited back to the aid items that paid for the books and supplies on the student’s account.
- 苹果AirPods
- Backpacks
- 手机充电器
- Clothing
- 水烧瓶、水瓶或咖啡杯
- 卫生用品
- Lanyards
- 流行的套接字
- Smart pens
- 智能手表——苹果或Fitbit
- 贴纸、钥匙扣或钥匙扣
- Students are allowed to charge up to $50 for headphones or earbuds.
- Totes
- Uniforms
*Only nursing students are allowed to purchase an iPad with 金融援助 funds.
To use your 金融援助 online please follow these steps:
- Sign your Electronic 金融援助 Authorization Form before placing your order. This form can be found in your Student Account under your “TO DO” list
- At Check Out select 金融援助 and enter your College Student ID number
- Only add items to your cart that are allowed under your College’s 金融援助 guidelines. 所有的教科书和日常用品都是允许的. Any unauthorized items will be cancelled without notice. Items not allowed are, but not limited to, College apparel and gift items, drinks, food, health & beauty, headphones over $XX, phones, pre-paid gift cards, or non-essential technology items.
- Only attempt to charge up to the amount allowed by your College 金融援助 Department. Amounts over the limit will cause a delay or your order to be cancelled.
- 请注意, VHCC Bookstore is not allowed to give individual 金融援助 information over the phone or by email.
- 贸易法与人民公司. are also able to purchase their course material online. These students should be able to see that pay option on check out.
Your VHCC Bookstore Team Leader is Paula Jones and can be reached by email at pjones@idcoal.com
Please feel free to contact us at any time with any question or clarification.
- 创建/登录 http://brytewave.redshelf.com 使用您购买代码的电子邮件. If purchased in-store it will always be your student email.
- Enter PIN from receipt to generate the access code.
- Return to “My Bookshelf” and click on title to reveal your code. Copy code to clipboard and follow link to publisher’s website.
- 使用上述相同的电子邮件创建/登录帐户.
- 输入教授提供的课程编号.
- 输入BryteWave上提供的代码.
*Failing to use the email you used to purchase the code with will result in an invalid code error!